Why We Require a Lepto Vaccine at Our Pet Resort

Although not all canine boarding facilities require a leptospirosis vaccine for dogs, the Pet Resort at Adobe Veterinary Center does. With the wet weather, muddier soil, and increased opportunities for pets to contract leptospirosis

Do You Need to License Your Dog?

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month! While we celebrate all the pups who are busy snuggling into their new families, our veterinarians at Adobe Veterinary Center want to remind you that licensing your new dog is required by Arizona state law.

Summer Safety for Pets and Livestock in Tucson

Summer everywhere can be dangerous for pets and livestock, but it’s an especially dangerous time for animals here. Tucson’s extreme summer temperatures and arid climate put animals at an elevated risk of dehydration and heatstroke.

Splash Safely with These Swimming Safety Tips for Dogs

Swimming is one of the best ways for dogs to exercise during the summer. Most dogs love to splash around, and the cooling water reduces their risk of heatstroke and prevents them from burning their paws while running on hot pavement.

Why Does My Healthy Pet Need Lab Work?

When you schedule an appointment for a sick pet, you likely expect our veterinarians to recommend diagnostic testing like blood tests, urinalyses, or other types of lab work.

Help! There’s a Colorado River Toad in My Dog’s Mouth

Countless poisonous, venomous, and dangerous critters roam the Sonoran desert. You’re likely instinctively wary of snakes, scorpions, and parasite-ridden mosquitos, but a toad might not cause you to bristle in fear. The Colorado River toad, however, is just as dangerous.