The idea that it’s natural for dogs to chew on bones is a popular one. However, it’s a dangerous practice and can cause serious injury to your pet.
Author: adobevetcenter
Rattlers on the move
Rattlesnakes… They seem to pop up everywhere here in Tucson, Arizona. You see them in parking lots, trails, your backyard, and some even get INTO the house! Unfortunately these venomous reptiles are way too common.
Pet Insurance…Where to start
Pet Insurance…Where to start Pet insurance sounds like a novel concept for any dog or cat owner. Our clients ask us frequently which pet insurance we recommend at Adobe. We do not recommend one insurance company over the other. Typically we offer inquiring individuals multiple insurance pamphelets and report the companies that our clients mention… Continue reading Pet Insurance…Where to start
Normal Play vs. Aggressive Tendencies
Normal Play vs. Aggressive Tendencies Puppies can play rough. Most puppy play consists of chasing, pouncing, barking, growling, snapping, and biting. So how can you tell the difference between normal play and possible signs of aggression in both dogs & cats? In normal play, a puppy may play bow (lower its head and raise its… Continue reading Normal Play vs. Aggressive Tendencies
Emergency Preparedness: Important Tips for Horse Owners
Emergency Preparedness: Important Tips for Horse Owners In the event of the potential flooding over the next couple of days, we at Adobe Veterinary Center know how important it is for you as a horse owner to have pre-planned actions and proper information to make rapid decisions that may save your horse’s and even your… Continue reading Emergency Preparedness: Important Tips for Horse Owners
AAHA Accreditation: What it means for you & your pets
AAHA Accreditation: What it means for you & your pets Have you ever wondered why it’s so important to take your pets to a clinic that is AAHA accredited? What does it mean to be accredited? The AAHA accreditation means that your veterinary clinic holds itself to a higher standard, and that your pet is… Continue reading AAHA Accreditation: What it means for you & your pets
Pumpkin Decorating Contest Winner!
Pumpkin Decorating Contest Winner! We are happy to announce that the winner of our annual Halloween Pumpkin Decorating Contest is Tin Man! Great job to the winners and thanks to everyone for their creativity and effort, it was another great contest!
Equine Herpesvirus Outbreak
Equine Herpesvirus Outbreak Click the following links to learn more about the recent outbreak of Equine Herpesvirus, a neurological disease affecting horses. A Guide To Understanding the Neurologic Form of EHV Infection Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy (EHM) & EHV-1 Frequently Asked Questions
People Food: Safe or Toxic
People Food: Safe or Toxic We would love for our pets to be able to have that occasional “people food” treat. Although, we do not encourage those treats frequently we do want our clients to be informed of the foods that are safe for people but dangerous for your pets. The following foods may be… Continue reading People Food: Safe or Toxic
A Day at Adobe
Why we do what we do We value our client’s trust in our medical care. One of the most nerve-wracking concepts as owners can be dropping your pet off at our clinic for a procedure under general anesthesia. In this post.
Trick knees and bunny hops!
What are luxating patellas? Trick knees, floating knee caps, or as we call them luxating patellas are most commonly diagnosed in small or toy breed dogs, but are also less commonly found in cats as well.
Why we are saying goodbye to the dental discount this month…
February is recognized as National Pet Dental Health month In the past, Adobe Veterinary Center has recognized this month by applying a 10-15% discount on all dental prophylaxis procedures during the month of February.