Protect-your-furry-friend-with-these-holiday-pet-safety-tips It’s time to “deck the halls” and enjoy time with your friends and family, including the furry members of your family. However, along with the excitement of the holiday season, this time of year also brings hazards for our pets. According to, each year there are more than 100,000 cases of pet poisoning,… Continue reading Protect Your Furry Friend with These Holiday Pet Safety Tips
Author: adobevetcenter
Heartworm 101 for Dogs and Cats
Heartworm 101 for Dogs and Cats Heartworm disease is generally considered a condition that only affects dogs, but many other mammal species can suffer from it or act as carriers. Heartworms have been known to infect dogs, cats, ferrets, wolves, coyotes, sea lions, and there have even been reported cases of human infection as well.… Continue reading Heartworm 101 for Dogs and Cats
5 Tips to Promote Fire Pet Safety in Your Home
5 Tips to Promote Fire Pet Safety in Your Home Many people who have pets understand that they quickly become part of the family. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand the importance of fire pet safety, in fact, it is mistakenly believed that pets will simply follow us out the door if there is danger. It… Continue reading 5 Tips to Promote Fire Pet Safety in Your Home
Common Household Poisons and Toxins
Common Household Poisons and Toxins Within our homes are dozens of substances and food products that, while safe for human use and consumption, are toxic or deadly for our pet companions. While many of these dangers are obvious and avoidable, there are some items we might not consider a danger — until a beloved pet… Continue reading Common Household Poisons and Toxins
Vital Pet First Aid Tips To Help Keep Your Pet Healthy And Safe
Vital Pet First Aid Tips To Help Keep Your Pet Healthy And Safe When you own a pet, there are many things to keep in mind. You not only need to make sure their environment is safe for themselves, but also have a working knowledge of what pets should and shouldn’t eat, and keep their… Continue reading Vital Pet First Aid Tips To Help Keep Your Pet Healthy And Safe
Common Worms and Parasites: Identifying Worms and Symptoms
Common Worms and Parasites: Identifying Worms and Symptoms The threat of parasites and worms are a reality for your dog and cat. Affecting particular breeds and pets that have access to the outdoors, parasites and worms can cause small ailments like stomach upset, up to extreme cases of death. The most common type of parasites… Continue reading Common Worms and Parasites: Identifying Worms and Symptoms
13 Common Pet Emergencies That Need Immediate Attention
13 Common Pet Emergencies That Need Immediate Attention Having a pet is a commitment. Most people misunderstand the most common pet emergencies, and don’t call for help until it’s too late. Understanding and keeping a list of the most common emergencies that require a veterinarian’s attention will help keep a pet healthy for a long… Continue reading 13 Common Pet Emergencies That Need Immediate Attention
When they’re happy… We’re happy: Part 1
When they’re happy… We’re happy: Part 1 We all want the best for our pets. We either rescued them from bad conditions, took them off a friend’s hands, or found them through a local or far away breeder. How ever we obtained our companions we want to make the best home for them. In this… Continue reading When they’re happy… We’re happy: Part 1
Thanksgiving: What Not to Feed Your Pet
Thanksgiving: What Not to Feed Your Pet While you enjoy feasting on a decadent meal full of classic homemade dishes on Thanksgiving Day, you might feel guilty leaving your pets out of the party. As much as they love scarfing scraps and digging through the trash, the discarded morsels they find under the table can… Continue reading Thanksgiving: What Not to Feed Your Pet
Happy and Merry! Pet Safety Tips for the Whole Holiday Season
Happy and Merry! Pet Safety Tips for the Whole Holiday Season Christmas, New Year’s and all of the holidays of the season provide a wonderful time to spend with loved ones. So, it’s natural that we want to celebrate the season with our pets, too. While some socializing and pet-safe treats are fun for them,… Continue reading Happy and Merry! Pet Safety Tips for the Whole Holiday Season
The Importance of the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
The Importance of the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship The relationship between a veterinarian, client and the patient is an integral part of a veterinarian’s ability to provide high quality treatment to any animal. The success of a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) depends on several factors, including the ability of the veterinarian to become familiar with an animal, the… Continue reading The Importance of the Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship