Externship Opportunities for Veterinary Students

Thank you for your interest in an externship at Adobe Veterinary Center. Please take a few moments to read the following.
Here at Adobe Veterinary Center, we love to teach eager and friendly veterinary students.

Our small animal service has 5 vets and sees 15% cats and 85% dogs.

Our large animal service has 5 vets and sees 70% of our patients in the field and 30% in the clinic. The
large animal species breakdown is 75% equine, 10% caprine, 10% porcine (mostly potbellied pigs), and
the remaining 5% is mixed between bovine, ovine and camelids.


Time Expectations

Experiences That the Student Can Expect

The Ideal Student Would Be One That...


Scheduling Your Externship

University of Arizona Vet Students: You will schedule your Adobe externship through your school.


All Other Veterinary Students: Please fill out an Externship Form and we will be in touch with you directly.


All Externship Candidates: Please read the details below before applying or scheduling your externship with us.