Summer Safety for Pets and Livestock in Tucson
Summer everywhere can be dangerous for pets and livestock, but it’s an especially dangerous time for animals here. Tucson’s extreme summer temperatures and arid climate put animals at an elevated risk of dehydration and heatstroke.
4 Summer Safety Tips for Cats and Dogs
1. Cars
Temperatures in cars become deadly within minutes. Never leave a pet unattended in a vehicle; it’s not only illegal in Tucson, but it’s also extremely dangerous for pets.
2. Paw Protection
Hot pavement will quickly burn your pet’s paw pads. If it’s too hot for you to touch, then it’s too hot for your pets.
3. Hydration and Shade
Access to water, indoor AC, and shade are essential for regulating body temperature and preventing heatstroke.
4. Sunburn Prevention
Ask an Adobe Veterinary Center veterinarian about coat care before trimming your pet’s fur. Some dogs have double coats designed to protect them from the heat and sunburn. These should never be trimmed. Other dogs’ fur should be cut no shorter than about 2-inches to prevent sunburn.
4 Summer Safety Tips for Horses and Livestock
1. Hydration
Horses require about 5 gallons of water per day and way more when they’re working in hot temperatures. To promote proper hydration, ask our veterinarian about adding electrolytes to your horse’s water.
2. Sun Protection
Horses can get sunburnt. A sunburnt horse will appear pink around his eyes and muzzle. It’s safe to use a small amount of human sunscreen formulated without para-aminobenzoic acid on a horse. For more thorough, lasting protection invest in a fly mask designed to block ultraviolet light.
3. Safe Watering
If your horses or livestock are frequenting common water sources during the summer, this can increase their risk of spreading contagious diseases to each other. Schedule a preventative care appointment to ensure your animals’ vaccinations are all current.
4. Safe Trailering
Horses riding in a trailer are working as hard as horses going for a walk. Be sure they have time to rest after the ride and plenty of cool water to drink. Keep the trailer ventilated and never park it in the sun.
Recognize the Signs of Heatstroke and Be Prepared to Act
Body temperatures quickly reach dangerous levels in extreme heat. Familiarize yourself with the signs of heatstroke (dizziness, excessive panting, extreme thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, seizure, and collapse). Have a plan to safely cool your pet and seek immediate emergency care.